In re-making the unbelievably horrifying Japanese terror flick The Grudge, Sam Rami made a surprising casting choice for his lead female role: Sarah Michelle Gellar. I was really surprised when I heard about this. Even some of the most die hard Buffy fans acknowledge that Gellar has yet to impress anyone with her acting prowess (although she wasn’t bad in Cruel Intentions). Her detractors will tell you she’s more pop-icon than actress. Others will tell you she’s underrated and has yet to be given a real opportunity to shine.
The Grudge is a good test for Gellar for a couple of reasons. This is a non-teen serious role for her, which is something she’s never really done before. If she can pull off a good (not even great) performance, then I think it will cause a lot of us to look at her in a different light. Perhaps she can have a post-Buffy career. However, if she drops the ball in The Grudge, her detractors will become solidified in their position, some of her fans will admit defeat, and most importantly those of us who are undecided will dismiss her.
Perhaps I’m being a bit melodramatic (oh like that never happens) about the importance of this role for Gellar. Perhaps it doesn’t really matter all that much. But I honestly believe this will be the film that determines what kind of immediate future Sarah Michelle Gellar will have as an actress. Personally, I’m guessing she falls flat… but let’s withhold judgement until after we see the flick.