It looks like the necessary step are being taken to ensure that a lot more 3-D will be coming into our living rooms! We get wind of this development thanks to THR:
The Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers is starting a significant initiative that could help to propel the stereoscopic 3-D home entertainment industry forward. The international standards-setting body will create 3-D mastering standards for content that will be viewed in the home — for all devices and delivery methods.
“Right now there are many companies that have different technical methods for doing 3-D in the home, but you need to format content in different ways in order to have it work on those different systems,” explained SMPTE engineering vp Wendy Aylsworth. “If the studios have to make different (types of) discs for these home entertainment systems, it’s not going to happen. And consumers, I think, will not want to read the box to see what will work on their sets.”
I love 3-D films and am all for these developments! I want to watch 3-D at home in a bad way! Movie nights would just be “that much” more fun with 3-D glasses and a crazy film that employs the technology. With luck, even independent filmmakers will one day have the means to make these types of movies. I for one would love to see a slew of B-Grade exploitation films in 3-D.
The 3-D craze is in full swing at the theaters and it’s nice to see some of that rubbing off on the home market. Studios no doubt want people to enjoy their 3-D films at home as they saw them in theaters, and with Toy Story 1, 2, and 3 all getting bathed in 3-D, there has never been a better brand to push the medium into our living rooms.