A lot of people loved Tropic Thunder. I wasn’t that impressed. One character that did standout with me was Tom Cruise as hollywood scum “Les Grossman” and man that was impressive. It was great seeing Tom in that character and he grew to such popularity that an entire film dedicated to the character was announced. That seemed like eons ago. Today writer Michael Bacall offers us an udpate on the status of the project and some insight on the holdup.
Source: Geek Tyrant
Paramount has the draft and I gather that they’re pretty happy with it. I think Tom Cruise probably has a lot of stuff on his plate right now (laughs) and I think it’ll be a schedule thing more than anything….
…I wrote it for R because we had precedent with Tropic Thunder. It’s actually a pretty heartfelt story. I had a lot of meetings with Mr. Cruise and Mr. Stiller and it was crazy, it was a blast. I think we came up with some really fun stuff to give you an insight into who the guy is, so I’m hopeful that that’ll get up and running soon.
This is great that to have an update, but it sucks that it’s kinda stalling out. Sure Tom is a busy guy and I understand that he has other commitments but I seriously wonder how long it would take to put together and film this kinda project? Is this really another casualty of the dreaded “scheduling conflicts” that far too many folks in Hollywood suffer from? Are their calendar apps broken? You’d think their chinese restaurants don’t give out free calenders every December and January like they do here in New York. Sheesh.
I’ll keep you posted if this thing eventually makes any traction…