The new Dragonball film adaptation is making more changes. Just when you didn’t think the DB fanboys didn’t have enough to complain about!
20th Century Fox may have extended the title of its upcoming “Dragon Ball” adaptation to Dragonball Evolution.
I wonder if this possible name change is to reflect that this is NOT trying to be the cartoon. This is an adaptation after all, and most of the complaining has been about how it isn’t like the cartoon. Some of the biggest complaints are the colour of Emmy Rossum’s hair, and the misconception that Goku (an alien monkey boy) wasn’t played by an Asian.
An adaptation means to adjust to different conditions or environment. So are we really surprised that they made…gasp… changes??
I don’t have a lot of strong feelings about how similar the adaptation is to the cartoon because I am not a fan. But even without considering that, I am not certain that those complaints heard loudly are really worth getting that upset about.
I have a feeling that if the movie sucks, it will suck all on its own merit, and not because of the colour of someone’s hair. Who knows? Might be fun.