No, no, no. I really don’t believe this and I don’t want it to happen. Not listening la, la, la, la, can’t hear you. Sorry, but from all the postings I’ve seen I think it might be true.
Predator is a god of a movie with Schwarzenneger in his ideal role, and playing it superbly too. In fact the whole cast is just perfect and the movie rocks the llamas ass, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched it. In comparison I’ve only seen the other Predator movies once, if that, because they are rubbish!
So I can’t believe they are going to make it and have assigned Paul Anderson again! No…just kidding, it’s Uwe Boll. NO! Kidding again! The gossip is, through Freeze Dried Movies from Latino Review who seem to have caught it first:
Twentieth Century Fox are in talks with Johnny McTiernan to do a new Predator film – not a sequel, not a remake, not a prequel; more of a restart. There’s talk – based on a treatment that’s floating around the traps – that it might fix on Dutch’s (the guy from the first film, Arnie played) grown-up commando kid.
John Cena’s (one of Vince McMahon’s kids) name has been branded about for the lead – but it’s early days. They apparently want to coax JMT away from The Thomas Crown Affair sequel, have offered him this hoping it’ll do trick.
Well as I showed, we could think of worse options here, but still, getting the original Director in is a good first step. If they can that is. Yet why remake such a fantastic film?
Actually I’m not going to be nice about it, looking at the mess they’ve made of the possible franchise from Predator, this just reeks of becoming a total mess. I mean his Commando Son for crying out loud!
However, please feel free to prove me wrong. Please! Still, I can never see it taking the place of the awesome original. Restart the idea of making new movies with original scripts you brain dead execs, and leave beloved movies like this alone!
“If it bleeds, we can remake it.”…”We’re all gonna die.”