100 Yen: The Japanese Arcade Experience – Documentary

Let’s start of the day with this trailer for 100 yen: The Japanese Arcade Experience. A phenomenon that I never was able to experience but always wanted to have. Growing up there were roughly 15 machines in the entire town peaking with the introduction of Time Crisis before store owners realized that renting/buying these monstrosities was a waste of time.

Aside from traveling to Japan and back in time this trailer is as close as I am going to get to the juggernaut that once was the arcades.

“The film’s title is inspired by the fact that Space Invaders caused a nation-wide 100 Yen coin shortage; people were literally spending coins faster than they could circulate,” Crawford told Eurogamer.

Source: EuroGamer

A nation-wide 100 yen coin shortage… that is crazy!

Check out the teaser trailer!


If you find this as cool as I do why not head on over to their website 100yenfilm or their IndieGoGo page to help them reach their goal to finish the film!

Thank you Oscar for sending this in, good find!


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