Tom Cruise is well on his way to healing the reputation his crazy couch dancing lunacy earned him. And following suit with other celebrities bouncing back from obscurity, Tom suggests that he will be returning to a franchise that worked extremely well in the past. Mission Impossible.
Tom Cruise’s appearance on a popular Japanese television where he was asked about the Mission Impossible franchise. Cruise’s response was that he has started work on the fourth installment and they are planning the story for it.
He also mentioned that he was thinking about planning a big action sequence in Tokyo for the next film – What a coincidence because he was in Japan when he said it! I wonder if he made that up on the spot.
I have enjoyed the Mission Impossible movies, and they have a wealth of possibilities. Any superspy movie plot can be translated to a Mission Impossible storyline. They could scrounge through literally thousands of plots looking for a good one then just apply it to the franchise.
But as long as they have well thought out action sequences (no more motorcycle fights and instant romances) with some clever tech and disguises, it could be a fun film.
We will have to see if “planning a story for it” ever translates into a film.