Here’s the shortest review I’ve ever written. Robots is a pretty good film.It’s not spectacular. It’s not great. It’s not bad. It’s a fairly entertaining light family film with some nice moments and just enough funny parts to keep your attention.
What jumped out at me the most while watching this movie, was that my appreciation for Pixar was growing by the minute. Yes, Robots is a mildly entertaining film… but when you watch a Pixar film, you’re consistently blown away.
While films like Robots, Shrek (which I really like), Ice Age and others start with a concept and work the story around it… Pixar goes the other way. Pixar always starts with a solid story idea and then works concepts around the story.
The result is a more engaging story, better characters and finally a better film overall.
Companies like Fox Animation and Dremworks set out to make great animated movies, and for the most part they do a pretty decent job. Pixar on the other hand, doesn’t set out to make great animated films… they set out to make great films period. And therein lies the difference.
Robots is a good film and worth your time seeing. However, it leaves you with a bit of a shallow feeling because it misses those deeper characters, that better story and doesn’t get you as nearly engaged as a Pixar offering.
The first thing I wanted to do after seeing Robots was rent Finding Nemo.
Did any of you check out Robots? What did you think?