There are a lot of people out there who would rank Unbreakable as M. Night Shyamalan’s (AKA “The Shamhammer”) best movie. I am not one of those people as I thought the movie was just above “ok”. With that popularity coupled with the complete shambles his last number of movies have have fallen into, it’s not surprising the once popular director would look to go back to something that had success.
Our friends over at Latino Reviews talk about how Shamhammer is open to doing Unbreakable 2… but don’t count on it:
“I am,” said Shyamalan. “I don’t know where all the parties are in the world. Sam [Jackson] is like ‘Mr. Comic Book’ now. And Bruce, I don’t know what he’s up to. I don’t know where Disney’s at in their head and what kind of movies they’re up for making. But yeah, I love that movie.”
There are 3 problems here:
1) Both Willis and Jackson are both crazy busy, so pulling this together would be difficult. BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY:
2) Shamhammer totally screwed his relationship with Disney when he basically mouthed them off and wrote a lot of bad shit about them after Disney dared tell him his script to “The Lady In The Water” wasn’t very good and that he needed to rework it. I just don’t see Disney wanting to work with him again. BUT EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY:
3) We don’t care anymore. Shammy has lost it.
So would you be willing to give Shamhammer another shot if he did Unbreakable 2 or are you done with him after pissing in your face and telling you to like it with his last 3 movies?