As some of you may recall, the other day put up a post letting you guys know that I was contacted by a PR person who informed me that the new movie “I Love You Beth Cooper” was NOT going to have press screenings. I basically said (correctly so) that not screening a film for press is essentially a studio admitting the movie sucks. It is the ultimate show of no confidence in a movie.
HOWEVER, a few days later i was contacted by a rep from Fox to assure me the movie is indeed screening for critics, and even sent me the date and times for the screenings. I forwarded this new person the original email I had received… I’ve still never been told what the deal was with that first email I got… but it doesn’t really matter. So, I thought it was only fair that I let you guys know that Fox is indeed screening “I Love You Beth Cooper” for press in advance. I still have no idea if the film is great or horrible, but at least the studio is showing some confidence in it.