X-Men 3 written in six days!

MatthewVaughn.jpgIf it wasn’t enough that there are controversial casting decisions, major storylines begun in X2 are possibly being sidelined and there are still primary actors to be signed to their existing roles, news is out that the script took a mere six days to write! Comic Book Movie carry the news from CHUD and let Matthew Vaughn make a few revealing statements.

When Vaughn came to the project after Bryan Singer left: “There was no script and I said this is crazy, I’m not making a movie without a screenplay. So we sat down and wrote something – which is pretty good, actually.”

There’s a lot of concern in that statement alone. Luckily he does go on to say that the casting of Vinnie Jones isn’t a done deal, although try telling that to every movie site including IMDB and even Jones own website!

Will the same crew come back? “Some of them. It’s going to expand on the themes. There are three or four scenes where I know people are going to be shocked and close to tears.”

Is that maybe why there are some blanks among the leads?

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