Now this caught my eye over at Twitch, Danny Boyle has agreed an Asian remake of Shallow Grave:
“If you are going to remake Shallow Grave you would make it in Shanghai,” Boyle said. “What a brilliant place to do it — it’s bursting with capitalist frenzy. We made Shallow Grave at a time in Britain when everyone was sick of the corruption of the Tories. Shallow Grave was really a very cynical look at what that obsession with money did to people. Now there is an explosion in Shanghai and it seems really worthwhile to remake the film. This is a case where the idea for the remake is an even better one than the original.”
Well that’s cool, it’s a great movie, and if you look at it with the knowledge of a good few Asian movies under your belt you’ll see some great similarities. Yet there’s a larger part to this story that caught me. Hollywood is busy remaking every Asian horror they can get their hands on and here’s Boyle turning around and letting an Asian team remake his movie. That’s class. You listening Hollywood?