X-Men 3 good news

XMen.jpgThe X-Men 3 news is coming thick and fast, and leaping from good to bad in the space of days. The latest is from IESB through Comic Book Movie and is an interview with Fox Filmed Entertainment Chairman Tim Rothman regarding a few projects, the interview is in video format, but here’s the highlights:

The script is strong and good, almost finished but they are making some small changes.
The script includes a lot on Dark Pheonix, she’s big in it.
Very pleased with Ratner and believe he will deliver well and on time.
Magneto and Wolverine spin offs will come.
Next big movie is Silver Surfer, and he’ll be silver.

Great news. Rothman goes on to say that it’s all about the script and you have to stay true to the material. All good words, let’s hope we see them soon, especially on Silver Surfer.

IESB also collared Simon Kinberg:

Shooting in 6-7 weeks, not much time for script changes.
Dark Pheonix has a big part in the movie.
Secondary plot in the movie, as big as the others.
AICN was first 88 pages of rough draft written months before. This one is different from that.
Gambit is not a big character.
Kitty Pride, Angel, Beast, Juggernaut are bigger characters.
Tougher, grittier script.

Much, much better news. Are we all back on board now?

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