Bewitched Taking Heat Over Hepatitis C Joke

It’s understandable that sometimes some people get upset or angry at something that is said or done in a movie. We, as human being are actually very fragile creatures, and as tough as we like to think we are, we all get our feathers ruffled pretty easily.

In the new film Bewitched, there is a certain scene where Person “A” is hitting on Person “B”, but Person “C” (who is a witch) likes Person “A” and uses their powers to make Person “B” tell Person “A” that they have Hepatitis C. Laughs ensue.

However, according to the good folks over at M&C, The American Liver Foundation is blasting the movie for the joke. Here’s what they have to say:

“Tragically, this remarkably tasteless comment plays into the stigma that many people with hepatitis C have to cope with every single day,” Frederick G. Thompson, president and chief executive officer of the American Liver Foundation, said in a statement.

“I can`t imagine anyone in Hollywood making a joke about HIV infection, for example,” said Thompson, “but because the public is so uneducated about hepatitis C, it apparently seems acceptable to trivialize the disease in a comedic context, at the expense of millions of hepatitis sufferers.”

I can understand some people getting upset by this… but at the same time… if we refrained from humor about anything that might be affecting someone somewhere… then there would be no comedy in the world. I also can’t help but think their outrage is just a little bit hypocritical too. I’ll bet $5 that the same guy who issued that statement has at some point laughed at a Fat joke in a film or TV show. Or perhaps a baldness joke… or homeless joke… or jokes about drug addicts… or jokes about the Titanic… or car accidents… or plane crashes… you get the picture.

Look, I’m not bashing them for getting upset… like I said I can sort of understand. But at the same time, I thought the joke was told in good fun and was done tastefully. But that’s just my opinion. I’m sure there is a LINE that we shouldn’t cross… but I just don’t think the line should be set so low. But what do I know?

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