So that marks the end for the great Sean Connery, one of the last great Hollywood actors. It’s all over the InterWeb from a story in the Scottish newspaper Scotland on Sunday where he announces that he’s had enough of “idiots” in Hollywood.
“I’m fed up with the idiots, the ever-widening gap between people who know how to make movies and those who green light them. I don’t say they’re all idiots – I’m just saying there’s a lot of them.”
Is pretty much what he said, which I’m sure we can all whole heartedly agree with. There are a lot of idiots out there, you just have to look at the remake or videogame fodder at the moment. So much out there is being ripped from other stories and thrown together without a thought other than “projected audience”. Where have all the good movies gone…and where are all the great actors going?
Still, he’s not going to close the door, good man.
“It would almost need a Mafia-like offer I couldn’t refuse to do another movie.”
This guy is a legend, and putting aside my personal, political thoughts on him, I think he’s had a superb career and is one of those actors who just steps on a screen and demands your attention from the second you see him. A true great, the best Bond, and perhaps our last chance to see him will be as Indy’s Dad.
What are your favourite, and worst, moments of his career? Indy senior? Irish Police? Naked futuristic gunfighter? Bond? Scottish madman? Protective Soldier father? Spanish swordfighter? Nasa scientist? King? Train Robber?
Raise lights. Roll credits. Thanks for the many great movies and moments Sir Connery.