Rango, the new animated feature being put forth by director Gore Verbinski written by John Logan and with Johnny Depp as the lead voice actor, Depp plays a chameleon who goes on a big adventure. Depp’s character then meets others along the way voiced by Abigail Breslin, Bill Nighy, Harry Dean Stanton, Isla Fisher, Alfred Molina, Timothy Olyphant, Stephen Root, and Ray Winstone.
There’s been some mixed buzz about Rango, with such a great cast lined up for this animation flick it’s expected that something great should come out of it but the recently released teaser got people scratching their heads and wondering if it is going to be worth watching.
Well, there is a new Character Poster up of Depp as the Chameleon and I must say it made me giggle. First of all I’m a sucker for animals with clothes on, I just think it’s hilarious. But this Chameleon looks to be wearing a shirt to represent Johnny Depp’s past character from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Hunter S. Thompson. I know that Johnny Depp got really close to Hunter in the making of that film and I can only hope that he’s using character elements from Hunter for this Chameleon character. Therefor with that thought in mind I am excited to see the future trailer for the film. What do you think? Do you like the Chameleon?