The Jurassic Park films have gotten progressively worse and worse (the first one was amazing… second one was ok… third sucked dung), and yet I still have a fun time watching them. Yes, even the third one. The most important thing for the studios is that they all made money. Lots and lots of money. And if a running franchise makes money… you can bet your ass there will be another one. So here comes Jurassic Park 4 (or Jurassic Park IV is you wish).
Although filming hasn’t started, work on the movie is already well underway. The folks over at FilmForce give us this:
From the screenplay excerpts shown, it appears that the characters of both Sam Neill and Vince Vaughn are a part of the story. This confirms what we’ve heard on earlier occasions, that much of the original cast could get in on Jurassic Park IV.
I’m glad Sam Neill will be back. And yeah, this one will probably suck too… but I’ll still be there to see it opening day and enjoy watching it no matter what. What can I say… I’m a Sci-Fi junkie. If you’d like to see a larger version of the poster you can go here.