It almost pains me to do this, but it was only a matter of time.
There is a new spoof movie coming out that is taking shots at Twilight, and for shits and giggles they toss in a few more recent hit film characters… ok its really just Twilight.
This just looks weak. I haven’t seen a spoof movie in a REALLY long time that has made me laugh, and this trailer isn’t doing it either.
First, Twilight is just to easy a target. Every insecure teenage boy has a list of Twilight insults at the ready to prove that he isn’t gay, and internet trolls use the same list as their bible as to why they hate something they have already chosen not to read or watch.
Not saying there isn’t stuff to make fun of here, but there isn’t anything clever in this trailer we haven’t heard on the playground a million times already.
I am actually embarassed for them.