The Avengers Comic-Con Teaser Trailer

So that’s Mark Rufallo, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Don Cheadle, Jeremy Renner, Clark Gregg, Scarlett Johansson, Samuel L. Jackson, etc. These are the actors that will bring our beloved superhero team to the big screen. All of them, came out together on Marvel’s panel at Comic-Con this year. Here’s the teaser trailer for The Avengers, that was also shown for fans at Comic-Con.

Ok. Not much to digest, but so much to expect. We get a logo, Sam Jackson citing some lines about our team, and that’s it. Again, not much, but isn’t this enough to get any fan pumped up? Imagine our reaction when we get the first images, and some footage later on. Damn. AWESOME!

You guys excited or what? Who do you think is this big ass enemy that The Avengers must face? Any ideas? What do you want to see?

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