Remember in Ghost Busters 2 Sigourney Weaver’s character Dana had a baby? Well guess who is set to receieve that torch they have been saying they will pass? Yup. Oscar, the baby of former Gatekeeper hottie Dana Barret is who will be filling the shoes of the first of a next generation of Ghost Busters in Ghost Busters 3.
More shocking is that they will reveal that Oscar is in fact Peter Venkman’s offspring and he will then make his father proud by taking on the family business.
We’ve expected this, and Sigourney Weaver hoped for it to be so, but the latest rumors on Ghostbusters 3 confirm (?) Dana Barett’s son will strap on a proton pack as one of the next generation team. But here’s a rather surprising piece of the news: Oscar will be revealed to be Bill Murray/Peter Venkman’s kid after all.
They never really said who Oscar’s father was in Ghost Busters 2, nor do they clarify how long it had been since Venkman and Dana were broken up. Maybe a mad night of passion that they swore to never mention again. Seems odd that Venkman wasn’t at all curious about the timing though.
But it seems the right way to go when passing the torch in the franchise. Tron Legacy is doing it, as did Indiana Jones. Of course we have no idea if any of these franchises will monopolize on this next generation.