Edward Norton Wouldn’t Say No To Batman 3

Edward Norton is one of the best actors out there, for quite some time now. In a recent interview, Norton speaks a little about the Marvel situation and about the possibility of working with Christopher Nolan in another superhero film. Like maybe Batman 3?

IGN reports:

Speaking exclusively to IGN to promote new movie Stone, Norton said that he loved playing Bruce Banner in The Incredible Hulk, and that he has no hard feelings regarding Marvel’s decision to go with Mark Ruffalo on Avengers.

“I think I said everything I want to say in the one thing I put out about that” he explained. “It was a great privilege to do it, and I couldn’t be more appreciative of everybody’s support and positivity towards that because I love those films too. And I hate it when they miss. I hate it when they miss on one – it seems like such a wasted opportunity. But the truth is I’m probably more naturally interested in doing something that I haven’t done. I have only good thoughts towards that though.”

Norton revealed that the situation hasn’t put him off the notion of superhero movies however, saying that if a good project came along, he’s sign up.

“Chris Nolan’s making the best ones out there by far” he explained “I’d do one with him. He’s set a new bar for sure, and I think he’s done a great, great job.”

We pushed Norton as to whether he’d be up for playing a villain in Batman 3, with the actor replying “That would be fun, I would not say no to that.”

And more specifically we asked if he’d like to play the Riddler, with the star simply smiling and saying “Your guys can put their votes in on that.”

Getting Edward Norton to play whatever character in Batman 3 would be an awesome upgrade any day. To get him to play a villain, like say, the Riddler, would be geek-tastic. Imagine Norton playing off Bale in Nolan’s Batman 3? Awesome! His got the chops, and he’s got the quite, brilliant/crazy look that fits perfectly (See Primal Fear). I vote for this.

What do you guys think? Norton in Batman 3? As the Riddler?

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