Oprah sat down with JK Rowling, the creator and author of the Harry Potter empire and they chat about all sorts of topics like how it feels to be ludicrously wealthy and Rowling’s life after the Harry Potter books were done, and what’s next.
And thats when she dropped the hint that has Potter fans freaking out. Blastr quotes Rowling:
“I could definitely write an eighth, ninth, tenth,” the writer told Winfrey. “I’m not going to say I won’t. I don’t think I will … I feel I am done, but you never know.”
Now this is a far cry from her original “maybe ten years from now” approach to the Potter books she said in the spring, sparking fantatical speculation that Rowling is getting the itch again and we could see another Harry Potter book spring up at any moment.
For me personally, I love the Harry Potter stories but if she does write more, she should expand this world.
Write about Dragon handlers or Aurors (magical bounty hunters/police) and pick up the story somewhere other than the confines of Hogwarts with a new cast. Perhaps bring in some of the minor players after graduation and move forward.
This last pair of films will have the story mostly off school grounds which would leave a lot of room for her to branch out into a bigger world.
Do like the Star Wars novels, and license the world out with Rowling there for approval. She can continue to be rediculously rich and the fan base can have their stories.
Which will inevitably turn into movies… or a TV series. The possibilities are endless here.
Check out the whole interview in parts right here: