We get our first look at the Power Battery used by Green Lantern in the film, and its made of awesome.
I was wondering if they were going to tap into this part of the story, that as near limitless as the ring appears in power, one of its limitations (aside from its inability to affect yellow things) will be that the ring requires charging periodically. The comic book Hal Jordan had a classic looking lantern that GL would thrust his ring into giving it a boost.
I think the power battery looks great. Although the whole premise of even naming him Green “Lantern” will need more and more justification (perhaps tying it into the theme of being a light in the darkness) because there is less and less symbols that look like a lantern.
Love the power battery though. It will really hint to what that full costume will look like. Probably truly alien looking biological outfit with the subtle green markings glowing on it.
Beats spandex and a 1800s era lantern.