We’ve talked about the possibility of Daniel Radcliffe leaving the Harry Potter series before, after all he’s not signed up for all the movies yet. However he’s just admitted that he’s having too much fun to leave.
IMDB have him as saying he will be in all seven films. Well, actually he doesn’t say that at all, that’s what IMDB say, he says…
“Ultimately it comes down to whether we’re still enjoying it. If we are then I think we would be sort of stupid not to do them. As long as I’m doing other stuff around the same time, I think it’ll be fine. Also, I sort of try to read the books when they come out impartially and not make up my mind, but the fact is when I was reading the sixth, Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince, there were bits in there where I was going, ‘God, I would love to do that because it’s so good.'”
Ah, so he might if they suddenly turn into complete rubbish or one becomes a flop, but there’s not much chance of that happening with current opinion is there? He does say that he’s going to try other projects, so I can only forsee one other circumstance of him leaving, if he can’t get other work for being typecast as a boy wizard!