Hayden Panettiere and Nikki Reed have joined the thriller Downer’s Grove where a seemingly cursed suburb of Chicago suffers the lose of a highschool senior at the end of every school year.
[Hayden Panettiere] now joining the thriller Downer’s Grove. Prom Night’s Nelson McCormick is directing the script adapted by Bret Easton Ellis, with Panettiere, Nikki Reed, and Rebecca De Mornay having signed on..
Sounds like if this is going to be a slasher flick, there has to be more than one senior pushing up daisies. Perhaps someone finds out what is going on and the phenom/killer responsible goes after them to hide the secret.
Still, Panettiere works well for these highschool roles and she’s terribly hot. Two good qualities for a Scream Queen. With Scream 4 under he belt and moving into this, Hayden may be finding her postHeroes stride.
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