The Libertine trailer has hit the web. The Libertine stars Johnny Depp and John Malkovich (two of the very best actors working on Hollywood today thank you very much) so it’s already go that much going for it.
The premise of the film also sounds really good too. Here’s the synopsis:
Johnny Depp stars in “The Libertine” as the scandalously decadent John Wilmot, the second Earl of Rochester. The film follows the Earl’s adventures in London, from his passionate romance with a young actress, Elizabeth Barry (Samantha Morton), to the writing of a scurrilous play which blisteringly and bawdily lampoons the very monarch who commissioned it, Charles II (John Malkovich), leading to the Earl’s banishment and eventual downfall.
So we’ve got a good cast and a solid idea… that means it looks good right? Well… not necessarily. To be honest I was less than thrilled with this trailer. It almost seems forced… and pretty low budget too. Mark me down as a little less than excited to see it.
If you want to take a look at The Libertine trailer you can go here.