DVD Review: The Best There Is, The Best There Was, The Best There Ever Will Be

BretHart.jpgThere are a few things that have come out of Canada that I as a proud American have grown to love living so close to the boarder. Pooteenes (french fries with gravy and cheese), all nude strip clubs, SCTV, B.C’s, The Tragically Hip, of course The Movie Blog and wrestler Bret Hart.

Growing up I must admit that I was a wrestling fan and I do continue to show a moderate amount of interest in what is going on in the world of professional wrestling. Recently the WWE has been releasing large scale box sets filled with documentaries, matches and features surrounding the top wrestling personalities of then and now. Just the other week the WWE released Bret “Hitman” Hart: The Best There Is, The Best There Was, The Best There Ever Will Be, a full featured retrospective of the Hitman’s career. So in celebration of Thanksgiving and a belated Remembrance Day for all the Canadians, here’s my review of the DVD covering one of the greatest -if not the greatest- Canadian wrestler; Bret “The Hitman” Hart.

As wrestling DVD’s go -and I can’t believe I’m reviewing wrestling DVD’s- this one will not disappoint. For all the Canadian Movie Blog readers who are into wrestling this story should strike your nerves even more than others. The multi disk box set contains a 3 hour documentary on the life and career of the excellence of execution hailing from Calgary, Bret Hart. Not being that learned on the average up bringing of a wrestler, it’s interesting to see how Bret grew up in a wrestling family, his trials in the independent circuits, as tag team champ with the Heart Foundation, the multiple world championship victories and finally his embarrassing termination in Montreal Canada during a Wrestlemania. The documentary is filled with interviews with colleagues, family and Vince McMahon discussing the screw job which ended Hart’s stay in the then WWF.

There are a number of touching moments in the documentary, during Bret’s career he has had to deal with the deaths of close friends and family. Good friend “Mr Perfect” Curt Henning died while working alongside Bret in the WCW and even more tragic, Bret’s brother Owen Hart died repelling from the roof top in a WWE show. The interviews during these times in his life are very touching and you’ll get chills watching the tribute matches that followed -hey their wrestlers what do you want-.

Following the documentary, the box set contains 3 or 4 additional DVD’s archiving each match fought by the Hitman in both the WWF and WCW -McMahan owns everything-. This is very special for wrestling fans. It was truly great to see some classic matches from my youth, characters that I grew up watching not only in the WWF but also as cartoons and movie stars –Roddy Piper was always my favorite, remember They Live?-.

All in all a must grab for any Canadian or wrestling fan. Just $25.99 USD or $150.00 CAD. Check it out and let me know what you think aye.

Extra: If you are a wrestling fan, who was (or is) your favorite wrestler of all time?

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