Eagle Scout inspires Chris Evans Captain America

Many actors will do some sort of character study when preparing for a role. Some try to expose themselves to a culture or lifestyle to better understand the character they are playing, while others think of an example and try to emulate it.

This is the case with Chris Evans, who recalls a friend who has a shining reputation of being a clean honest “eagle scout” type while he plays the role of Captain America.

RamaScreen says:

“The reason he’s chosen for this experiment is because he has a pure heart. It’s the morality, the nobility. He’s a real redeeming character to play, it’s exciting to think of playing him.”

“I actually have a friend of mine who I’m modelling the character after. This guy is actually an Eagle Scout, he’s one of those guys who stayed in the Boy Scouts all the way until he was 18.

“He’s just a good human being. He does the right things, he’s open, he’s honest, he’s sincere, he’s selfless. It’s something that I think everyone aspires to. A lot of time I play characters who don’t have any redeeming quality.”

That’s got to be something to put on your grave stone. When Chris Evans needed to find some inspiration on playing a good hearted, honest and selfless person he thought of an old friend.

I hope Evans gave that guy a call and said “I was talking about YOU” so he knows his clean living life inspired his work in this film.

I can’t wait until some actor calls me up and says he modeled his online geeky journalist chubby movie pundit after the example I set!

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