Yvonne Strahovski is Ms. Marvel?

The Avengers film is not for another year yet, but now there’s a rumor going around that ‘Chuck’ actress Yvonne Strahovski may be up for a part. None other than Ms. Marvel Screenrant drops this nice thought in our minds (at leastt mine, anyway):

Strahotski.com, a fan site dedicated Chuck star Yvonne Strahovski is claiming to have inside word from “a protected source inside Marvel” who names Strahovski as the actress being cast as Carol Danvers, a.ka. Ms. Marvel, in The Avengers movie.

Like Kofi from SR, I too think this is a stretch. Not that I would mind. I can see where Ms Marvel could fit in -if the Kree-Skrull wars were in fact, a party to the plot. However, there are other characters involved, and everyone’s going to share the screen. Having an origin of one new hero (ine) is a nice touch–but it would also be a distraction from the main story. Besides, as much as I dig Yvonne, I don’t see this happening.

Not now anyway. I think she either may be going for another character if anything. Or it could very well be a solo, low budget “second tier” film that could (but won’t) happen. OR it’s just a great, yet wacky rumor.

What’s your thoughts? If Ms. Marvel was in the mix, how would you feel about it?

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