Rumor: Zack Snyder might not do ‘300’ sequel

Yes, there is a sequel to 300 in production. It would seem like a ‘no-brainer’ that Zack Snyder would be on board to oversee direction of the film but it seems that’s not the consensus as Cinema Blend is reporting that Snyder might be out and Guy Ritchie might be in.

Source: Cinema Blend

NY Mag says Warner Bros. has offered the 300 sequel directing job to Ritchie, best known as the guy behind such films as Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels and more recently Sherlock Holmes. Ritchie is currently at work on Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows and in theory he’s also supposed to be making Excalibur. So how will he fit Xerxes in? Excalibur could be left by the wayside, if he takes the gig.

I like the idea of Guy Ritchie moving into ‘300’ territory. I like his movies and am interested in the idea seeing some more variety added to his resume. There’s speculation that the job is being offered to Guy as a result of a number of things including the fact that WB wants Snyder’s full attention on their mega important Superman movie.

The honest fact is that Snyder’s visual style is what made ‘300’ such a strong appeal to me, BUT his lack of involvement in the sequel isn’t make or break for me either. He’s a talented director but his visual style didn’t attract me, or many others, to his last movie. I’d like him to continue to move forward and continue to develop the best Superman movie he can make and hopefully the best Superman movie we’ve seen.

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