I have really been hoping to see World War Z adapted to a film ever since I found out Brad Pitt was set to star and produce in the production. But it seems despite their enthusiasm and zeal for the project, they just don’t have the money to make it happen.
According to insiders, the studio is negotiating a last-minute deal to court past Paramount co-financier David Ellison (Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol, Top Gun II, Star Blazers) along with an as-yet-unknown investor to help shoulder the $150 million budget.
When pressed for details, Paramount Film Group president Adam Goodman had this to say: “We’re really committed to making a big, kick-ass giant movie with Marc Forster and Brad Pitt.” Goodman would not comment when asked whether or not the studio would go ahead with the project without a financial partner.
So it would seem that money still does rule all. Without some financial help, this movie just wont happen. They set the budget pretty high implying it should be a massive title, but considering how studios are hesitant to throw that kind of money behind niche market films that by nature would also be rated R, and earn a niche market of patrons.
When things like this happen, I wonder why Pitt isn’t ponying up the spare cash himself? Maybe because he isn’t willing to hit the financial risk either?
I hope it all works out. The book was great, and I want to see how it plays as a movie.