Watch the Warrior trailer

Lots of eyes are looking at Tom Hardy’s role in ‘Warrior’ as it’s possibly indicative of what kind of size and shape he could bring when portraying Bane in Chris Nolan’s next Batman movie. Today let’s take a look at a trailer for the movie to try to get a better idea of what might be in store.

Via: movieFone

Ladies and Gentleman we have a new ‘Dude Huge’. Idunno what kind of regimen this guy has been on but he has come a long way from playing Patrick Stewarts, scrawny Nemesis. He was already a lot more lean in Inception but this clip really brings the excitement to what we may have in store when he starts pumping the Venom.

On another note this movie looks really good as well! I’m just not a big MMA fan so this one managed to escape the radar. Early screenings are already producing comments like “better than the Fighter” and the like, so I have a mild genuine interest in this movie as well.

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