Lussier, Farmer Wish To Continue On With Rob Zombie version of Halloween (3)

It appears one remake (My Bloody Valentine) isn’t enough for the Drive Angry team of Director Patrick Lussier and scribe Todd Farmer. After they attempt to redo Hellraiser, word is getting out that they plan to continue the re-imagined Rob Zombie version of Halloween with what nobody really asked for : a third movie.

MTV has the story in all of its g(l)ory:

Farmer has completed the script already and they are in talks with the Weinstein company to make the movie, but Lussier said the time just hasn’t been right to bring the film to production yet.

Initially, Lussier and Farmer were planning on making “Halloween 3” before they started prep on “Drive Angry,” but they quickly realized that there wouldn’t be any time to make it, edit it and get it to theaters before they started work on the Nicolas Cage and Amber Heard-starring action flick. Now with “Hellraiser” on the horizon, they said they wouldn’t get a chance to start on it until after that remake was finished.

Now, I will admit I liked some of the stuff in the remake of ‘My Bloody Valentine’ – to a point. In addition, I never warmed up to any other film Lussier has directed. The only reason ‘Valentine’ worked for me to some extent was because there wasn’t as much baggage as, say, well, Pinhead from Hellraiser or Michael Myers from Halloween. Nothing against the franchises, but some days I just feel that I’d settle for a new boogeyman or horror hero to take the reigns. That said, I would be VERY curious how they’d bring the Rob Zombie Michael Myers back, considering the last film.
Or maybe not.
What do you think, int’l peeps? You looking forward to more Halloween…or Hellraiser, for that matter?

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