I Am Spartacus!!!

Well, just in case you didn’t have enough of your gladiator fix, GK Films wants to develop a brand new movie about Spartacus. Why I haven’t a clue. But anyway, First Showing shares:

Graham King’s GK Films has announced via Twitter/Variety that they’re developing a new feature film called Spartacus, that will focus “on the rebel leader who took on the Roman Empire for 2 years.” It will throw out all the other fictional storylines (*ahem* Starz) and “rely instead on more historic facts of Spartacus as a revolutionary.” The project is actually on a pitch they acquired from 300 co-writer Michael B. Gordon. However, no director is attached and the project is developing in the early stages.

I’m of two minds here. One is that I have no problem with another take on Spartacus, making it epic on a grand scale and have more focus on the rebellion, and making it more historically accurate as possible. There’s also suggestions that it will be motion capture FX, so that also might have some appeal. That said, one thing that I think would be a huge mistake is if they follow the current cable series lead and throw in the VR backgrounds and thier brand of motion caputure. Since they take a potshot at the current cable series, (above; although they, too, are getting a new Spartacus) I wonder if they will have Done As The Romans Have Done with bloodbaths, conspiracies, orgy parties and “translated” profanity. (*and just so you know, if it wasn’t for some of the actors, that’s ALL the series has to offer in my view; and I’m not interested in watching the next season because of it)

I want to be excited about this new prospect, but I’m not.
How bout the int’l friends?

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