Why I Hate The Jews

I never cease to be amazed by how we as a society tend to make broad stroking generalizations about people by their isolated opinions about movies. Sounds strange doesn’t it?

I remember a few years ago, it was getting close to Oscar season and I mentioned to a person I didn’t know very well that while I loved Schindler’s List, I didn’t think it was necessarily the best movie of the year. The person looked at me for a moment and HONESTLY asked me “What do you have against the Jewish people?” No, I’m not kidding.

As most of you know I had a similar situation happen just recently. I made some comments regarding Brokeback Mountain and how I didn’t think it deserved to be nominated for Best Film of the year. I was then flooded with emails and comments (even some newspapers) basically insinuating that I hated gay people. Nice.

Or take Fahrenheit 9/11. I liked it as a film, and instantly I had people all over the place labeling me a bleeding heart liberal. Feels like no one has any perspective anymore.

But I’m not the only one this happens to. Look at Clint Eastwood and his movie Million Dollar Baby. Great film. But as the risk of giving the ending away (spoiler alert), just because the girl dies at the end… assisted… people started picketing public appearances by Eastwood saying that he hates handicapped people. All because he told a story. I imagine as tough as he is, that must have hurt.

Or even Mel Gibson. He makes a movie about Jesus (which millions of people wanted to see) and even before the movie was finished or shown to anyone, people started bashing him as a religious zealot who joined me in my apparent hatred of the Jewish people (you know… which is obvious since I didn’t think it should have won best picture).

I’m sure I’m missing a million other examples… but you get the point. Movies are wonderful, but for some reason we tend to paint a person… I mean their whole character… in the light of one singe movie they make, or opinion they have about a certain movie. Doesn’t seem fair… and the fact of the matter is we all do it.

No real point or “moral of the story” to this post. Just the thoughts rolling through my head today that I though I’d share. Your thoughts?

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