Riddick Sequel Script News

Vin Diesels arguably best work Pitch Black and the not so great Chronicles of Riddick has another franchise entry in the works.  While this is by now old news, the plot and script details shared by Moviehole is not.

After a brief introduction in which were reunited with Riddick, surrounded by monsters, on a barren planet… we flash back to how Riddick ended up there.

We meet LORD MARSHAL Riddick. Nobody much likes that Riddick’s royalty now (he loves it; he gets to screw hot chicks) – as evident by the assassins that try and take him out at any and every opportunity – especially the necromancers, who are dead against the anointment of a furyan as a leader.
In exchange for the title, Riddick’s reluctant right-hand man and necro Vaako (Karl Urban’s character from the previous film; Urban will likely do it since the character is only in it for a short while) agrees to drop Riddick off at his home, Furya.
One thing leads to another and, much like the first film, Riddick finds himself stranded on a monster-infested planet. Instead of it leading to a rescue mission, his distress beacon catches the attention of a couple of merc teams (it would seem Vaako had dispatched them to kill Riddick while he’s isolated; not entirely true) who go after him with ill intentions.
One of the teams is lead by someone connected to an old enemy… someone from ”Pitch Black”.

I will say it again Pitch Black was great, sitting on my shelf from time to time it pulls me back for another go, that said are they not just pulling a Mulligan with this movie? Once again back on a barren planet surrounded by monsters, fine you upped the ante with mercs making for an even stickier situation. I may be completely off here but to me this does not sound very interesting.

Sandwich in a story line between the previous movies or better yet a prequel to Pitch Black, now the latter sounds way more fun than Riddick in this same-shit-different-day scenario.

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