Kevin Smith Announces New Film Zack and Miri Make a Porno

ksmith4.jpegIt looks like Kevin Smith is going to take the buddy comedy into the bedroom! Mr. Smith is going to tackle amateur porn as a form of employment in his upcoming film Zack and Miri Make a Porno. We get the news from themoviehole:

The “Clerks 2” – feels like so long again now, doesn’t it? – Director has convinced The Weinstein’s to bankroll (apparently they’ve handed over a cheque for $15 million) his randy new sex comedy “Zack and Miri Make a Porno.”

“A bawdy sex comedy with heart,” as Smith describes the just-completed script to the LA Times, “Zack and Miri” is about two friends who have managed to trudge into their 30s with a satisfying lack of accomplishment. But a 15-year high school reunion and dire rent problems spark the novel moneymaking idea of pulling together an amateur porn enterprise. As for where it goes from there, just think of Smith’s characteristic sexual verbosity finally coupled with matching imagery.

This idea reminds me of The Amateurs. But instead of a town of losers coming together to make a porno, we have a pair of old friends venturing forth into the world of the amateur porn industry. I think this is a fantastic idea for a script and a marvelous vehicle for Smith’s delightfully crass humor.

The Horse Sex Scene and the Ass To Mouth dialog in Clerks 2, really brought to the silver screen the kind of filth we all talk about when we play cards. ATM and Horse Sex have been internet staples for years now, but Kevin Smith brought the phenomena out into the light for all to see. To have a movie about a porno start up will make for some funny fucking dialog, and dialog is where Smith excels.

Having nudity along with filthy language will certainly be a nice addition. Comedic nudity is underused and I think this is a great opportunity to make the most out of it. Porn is all around us, regardless of what your opinion is of the industry, you have to admit one thing about it; porn is hilarious. Strangers coming together to have sex on a movie set for hours on end, with lunch breaks, smoke breaks, bathroom breaks and clean up breaks is knee slapping funny. If you have ever seen porn out-takes you know what I am talking about. When you see the mundane behind the sensual facade you cannot help but laugh.

I think this film is a fan favorite in the making.

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