R.I.P. Cliff Robertson

Cliff Robertson passeod this weekend on Sept 10th 2011, a day after his 88th birthday, of natural causes. Cliff Robertson had a long film and television career that spanned over half a century and won the 1968 Academy Award for Best Actor for his performance in the film Charly (1968).

He had an illustrious career filled with success, scandal, and more success throughout the years including a spat with Columbia Pictures head David Begelman regarding forged checks that left him blacklisted in Hollywood for several years and then collected in literary form in the David McClintick bestseller “Indecent Exposure”.

Most younger fans will remember him for his performance in Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man as the lovable and memorable Uncle Ben, with his voice echoing in our ears and hearts for years to come thanks to his powerful delivery about maturation in a young man’s life that helped shape not only the future of the Spider-Man character, but also of fans of the film for around the world. Thanks to his delivery I will always remember the true meaning of the phrase “With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility”.

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