Doomsday Starring Bob Hoskins News And Pictures

bobhos.jpgWe have news and a plot synopsis from moviesonline today about Doomsday starring Bob Hoskins. Moviesonline also links to released pics of the project that may be found here:

In DOOMSDAY, a lethal virus spreads throughout a major country and kills hundreds of thousands. To contain the newly identified Reaper, the authorities brutally quarantine the country as it succumbs to fear and chaos. The literal walling-off works for three decades – until Reaper violently resurfaces in a major city. An elite group of specialists, including Eden Sinclair (Ms. Mitra), is urgently dispatched into the still-quarantined country to retrieve a cure by any means necessary. Shut off from the rest of the world, the unit must battle through a landscape that has become a waking nightmare.

Mr. Hoskins will play Bill Nelson, a career policeman who nominates Eden for the mission and monitors its progress.

The Post – Apocalyptic movie genre is my favorite, the movies always deal with human in crisis and that is the best way to show the mettle of a character. Lethal virus movies are a great Post Apocalyptic angle, It is only a matter of time before bird flu kills gobs of us, and until then – movies like this can horrify us about impending threats. Movies like this give me the willies far more than any gore film.

Bob Hoskins has been in a ton of stuff, I always enjoy his acting and looking at his IMDB rundown – It looks like he doesn’t have time to sleep. Hoskins is a likable man that can still pull off being stern. He has the ability to be both good cop and bad cop, and perhaps we will see shades of both as he tries to fight off the apocalypse.

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