Different movies have different criteria for what it might consider “Bombing”. One film might consider making $10 million a HUGH success (if my movie makes $10 million I think I’d masturbate on the corner of downtown new york with a huge smile on my face for a month straight). However… another movie that was expecting to make a lot more than $10 million its opening weekend may have executives throwing themselves off of the closest buildings.
Grindhouse was expected (by a lot of people… admittedly by me as well) to make a lot more than $10 million opening weekend. My guess was somewhere between $30-$40 million. I read a lot of other people who were predicting $70-$90 million (although that number was never realistic). But no matter who you talk to… they’ll tell you that Grindhouse making only $11.5 million opening weekend is a HUGE surprise, and an even bigger let down.
Yup… according to Box Ofice Mojo, Grindhouse has made just $11.5 million on it’s opening weekend. Color me SHOCKED. Stunned. in disbelief if you will. I never saw this coming (no one did really… although I’m sure a bunch of bullshitting Monday Morning Quarterbacks will come out of the woodwork now and CLAIM they knew it would only make that much… but they’re lying).
Doug and I saw Grindhouse this weekend… and honestly… we didn’t love it (watch for our video review later today), but we still thought it would make a hell of a lot more than this. Wow.