I have to say that a lot of M.Night Shyamalan’s movies are in my dvd collection, and I enjoy all of them (except Lady in the Water..its not on my shelf). I even liked the Village even if I did see the plot coming before the end of the trailer. As many predicted, M.Night couldnt keep doing these intelligent plot twist movies because we all look for it now. We are wise to his shenanigans, and wont fall for it again. The love is gone.
A couple weeks ago the web was swirling with news of M. Night Shyamalan’s next film: an adaptation of the Nickelodeon cartoon Avatar: The Last Airbender. But what we didn’t know is that he has apparently been shopping around another script to a number of studios, and most of them have turned up their noses at it. The movie is supposedly called Green Planet, and it involves some sort of alien presence trying to teach humanity the error of its ways by using nature to strike back at us. According to film ick, the movie is about “the emergence of a New Eden when our flora and fauna come under the influence of something alien and make moves to take back the planet. Think The Day After Tomorrow with more smarts… a strange, upside down way of looking at ecological destruction.”
Well there it is. He was still trying to hit us up with a movie of his own makings. Don’t get me wrong, it does sound like an interesting premise, and might have actually made a good movie. But his name is like the stench of bad socks when attached to a movie like this.
No wonder he is attached to the Avatar project now. He couldn’t GET another job!
I think the guys at Robot Chicken can sum this up far better than I ever could.