Jenna Jameson is hoping to cast Scarlett Johnansson in her upcoming biography. The good folks over at gave us this on the story:
Jameson, star of such films as Vajenna and Where the Boys Aren’t 17, is now telling the world that busty ingénue Scarlett Johansson would be a suitable choice for the porn star’s (supposedly) upcoming biopic. Jameson tells FHM: “We’re looking hopefully at Scarlett Johansson. She’s my choice. I think she’s beautiful.” Beyond that, rumors vary as to whether her wishes have been conveyed to the star of Match Point
Ok, I know this is a rumor, it most likely won’t happen but…maybe it will.
Think about it. The story of a porn star, where she came from, the choices that lead her into the industry. If she is successful (as Jameson is) then how she rose above the usual chauvinism of porn to make a long last name and product could be pretty interesting see. Seriously, this isn’t the worst idea out of Hollywood, I would see a movie that shows what makes girls get into porn, not a documentary (because that’s been done already) not a sensationalist flick (because porn shouldn’t be a dream for little girls) but the real life story of a successful porn star has potential.
Some may be surprised that I’m actually into seeing this but as a female I’m into seeing a success story about any woman breaking through in a male dominated field. Jameson has done that, she is the top choice for radio and television interviews when it comes to porn, she has published a book and owns her own entertainment management company. Would I ever want to do what she does? No, but do I respect her for making her mark on the profession that she chose? Yes.
Will Scarlett Johansson be involved? Probably not but there might be a tiny chance. Depending on the script thishas the potential to be a good movie. Porn stars often have very dark pasts which makes for a nicely layered character. Also Johansson did say she was disappointed that her nude scene was cut from The Island and this movie would give her ample opportunity to make men weep with joy.
Will this film get made and will Johansson be in it? Maybe, doubtful but if it was…. dare to dream men….dare to dream.