Joseph Gordon-Levitt up for a leading role in ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’


After having a very successful year in 2012, Joseph Gordon-Levitt seems to be starting 2013 off right as well. After having a memorable role in “The Dark Knight Rises,” JGL is now up for the lead in the upcoming “Guardians of the Galaxy” film.


Word of Gordon-Levitt’s involvement comes via Deadline, who report that Marvel has added JGL to the list of actors they are considering for the lead role of Peter Quill. There’s no confirmation of whether Gordon-Levitt has been offered the role, but he’s certainly the most high-profile actor that has been mentioned thus far.

Via: Collider


This may be a rumor but Joseph Gordon-Levitt is becoming one of Hollywood’s leading men, so it would make sense the he be offered the role of Peter Quill AKA Star-Lord. He’s proven that he can do just about anything, so he’d definitely be able to pull off the role. I think the decision would fall more into his hands on whether or not he wants it, because right now anyone would be lucky to have him in their cast list.

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