The July 4th weekend was going to be an interesting one. Not interesting in the sense that we didn’t know who was going to win the fight between Die Hard 4 and The Transformers (Because Transformers was going to kick the shit out of Die Hard 4), but the reality is, that opening on the exact same day was going to hurt both of them (hurt DIe Hard more… but they still would have hurt Transformers too).
Well, it looks like the expensive game of Chicken is over. Die Hard 4 has blinked and moved off of July 4th and is now opening June 29th (at least according to the official website. This is a VERY smart move on their part… but honestly I didn’t think they were going to move. Glad to see they did.
So there you have it, July 4th is now the sole property of The Transformers for this demographic. If the trailers continue to look good, it’s going to have a MONSTER opening weekend. Break records even.
As a side note, you can see the Die Hard 4 teaser trailer over here. It’s looks much better than the previous Youtube version you saw. (thanks to Thom for the heads up)