Dane DeHaan packing on pounds to play Harry in Amazing Spider-Man 2


Dane DeHaan has been readily preparing for his role as Harry Osborn in the next installment of The Amazing Spider-Man. He has been focused on “bulking up” for the part by hitting the gym hard and consuming massive amounts of protein. While Harry Osborn doesn’t seem to be the type of character that would have a more muscular physique, it makes me think they are going an entirely different route with his role.


“I’ve been preparing. Right now it’s just about getting all my work done and bulking up a little bit. I’ll start shooting fairly soon in New York. I work out incredibly intensely six days a week and I eat every two hours. Mostly proteins and veggies. I consume at least 3,000 calories a day. I’ve already gained seven pounds in six weeks!”

Via: Rama Screen


Anthony and I have been leaning towards the possibility that Harry could be the next Venom, which would be odd in my mind. While fans gave much praise to certain elements from the comics making their way to film like the web shooters and the appearance of Gwen Stacy, making Harry Osborn (Green Goblin II) become Venom could cause a bit of an uproar. With the reveal of the black costume photo and DeHaan preparing by hitting the gym, it seems like this could be a likely possibility. If this is the case, there will be a lot to handle in this film. Once again we would have three villains who all need their origin story explained which I think could hurt character development or turn this sequel into a two part epic.

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