Amazing Spider-Man cast member Chris Cooper added to villains list and full costume photos leaked


There has been a lot of hype surrounding The Amazing Spider-Man sequel and today even more news was leaked. With the mention of Oscorp in the first film and the addition of Harry Osborn in this film, Norman Osborn (Green Goblin) had to show up somewhere. Now it is confirmed that Chris Cooper will be taking on the role of Norman Osborn but it has not yet been determined if he will become the Green Goblin.


Chris Cooper has signed on to play Norman Osborn in Marc Webb’s The Amazing Spider-Man 2 for Columbia Pictures. The character of Osborn is pivotal in the franchise because he is the alter ego of the Green Goblin, which was played by Willem Dafoe in the original Spider-Man movies.

Via: The Hollywood Reporter


In addition to the news of a new cast member, there were also some full body shots leaked of the new Spider-Man costume. It seems like Spidey is getting back to his roots with this new look. Check out the on set photos below.


Via: Bleeding Cool News

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