Seems the lucky folks in Spain were treated to a 30 minute mini preview of the upcoming Frank Miller adaptation “300“. I’m practically weting myself to see this movie, especially after running out to buy the graphic novel. This story is just amazing!
Anyway, Michael sent me this link to a written account by one viewer who saw the 30 minutes broken into 6 scenes. I read it… and the wetting continued. If you could see me now, I have a little spot of drool on the corner of my mouth… or was that last nights dinner? Either way, it sounds amazing. Here’s a little of what is in the article:
-Scene 1: The beginning of the movie, what better way to start. One Spartan soldier speaks, his voice will narrate the whole story throughout the film, incarnated by non other than David Wenham (Faramir, to fans of Lord of the Ring). He tells the tale of a hero’s life (from birth to manhood), the life of King Leonidas. We see him face a beast in his adolescence, harldy 10 minutes into the film, we find it impossible to detach our attention from the screen, realizing that we are witnessing each and every drawing of the graphic novel coming to life right before our eyes.
-Scene 4: An emissary of Xerxes goes to Sparta. He asked King Leonidas, and his countrymen, to surrender, or face extermination. However, since the Spartans live by an unbreakable code, governed by strict laws, “never retreat, never surrender, fight to the death in the names of our beliefs…”, the emissary (and his companion) are executed. We also see part of the first battle in the film, the raw brutality and strength of the Spartans, a lot of violence. Blood from the wounds seems to float in the air in condensed forms, as any liquid would in space (the only way we can describe it really). Then we get to see King Leonidas’s impressive fighting moves in slow-motion. From that moment on, we are so taken, we can’t help wishing we could see the entire finished film right away.
Now come on… tell me with a straight face that this didn’t wet your appetite! If you liked that, you should really head on over and give the whole article a read. You’ll be planning your camp out strategy for lining up for your tickets. Sadly, we still have to wait till next year. Damn!!!