Sigh… I had about 12 emails waiting for me all asking me why I hadn’t posted about the new Tom Cruise as Iron Man rumours. Well… the answer is simple… because it’s not true… and everyone knows it’s not true.
Director Jon Favreau has already come out and announced that Tom Cruise IS NOT going to be Iron Man. What part of that statement do people not understand? It’s clear as day right?
Well… apparently someone at Comic-Con thought they might have over heard someone sitting in some Paramount seats saying to the person next to them that “Tom Cruise has it in the bag (the role of Iron Man). So here’s what we’re left with…
The director himself said “No Tom Cruise”. Period. But because some unnamed source said he thinks he over heard a conversation between a couple of people sitting in front of him… the internet goes all a-buzz that Tom C ruise may still be Iron Man. Good grief.
So no folks… don’t believe it… don’t listen to it… don’t pay any attention to it. Tom Cruise is not Iron Man… and until Jon Favreau himself says otherwise, don’t listen to anyone saying different.