Review: Monsters University, a welcomed addition to the Pixar library

Genre: Animation | Adventure | Comedy
Directed by: Dan Scanlon
Starring: Billy Crystal, John Goodman, Steve Buscemi
Written by: Robert L. Baird (screenplay)


Synopsis: A look at the relationship between Mike and Sulley during their days at Monsters University — when they weren’t necessarily the best of friends.



Monsters University is a prequel to the original film Monsters Inc. and elaborates on the relationship between Mike (Billy Crystal) and Sulley (John Goodman) by bringing things back to where the friendship was first established. Throughout the journey of their friendship there are some heart warming moments and many laughs to which most anyone of any age could relate.


The first thing that I noticed about this film was the crisp animation. It seems as though Pixar continues to get better with age when it comes to their specialty. The colors are vibrant, textures and edges are smooth, and the characters’ motions and expressions are consistent and flawless. I was so caught up in the visuals that I would find myself just staring mindlessly in awe of the beautiful imagery that was being presented to me on screen. For those who may have young children, this is a selling point. The theater I was in had an abundance of children but I heard little to no noise as they all seemed focused on what was on the big screen.


Animation is crisp and character expressions are flawless


While this may be considered a children’s film, the plot has some very universal humor. Pixar has a way of incorporating adult humor into films intended for child audiences without being offensive. I definitely had some laughs throughout the film. Along with the humor there is a generic but entertaining plot. The theme of the film is very college-centric, so the plot contains a lot of college movie cliches such as fraternities, stereotypical college faculty and classrooms, and parties. The college setting was responsible for a good number of laughs due to the trouble and mischief that Mike and Sulley would get into.


Mike and Sulley get into some stereotypical college trouble


With the college laughs, there comes some serious college issues. Issues like not fitting in, the stress of trying to succeed, and the consequences of slacking off. Mike is obviously the studious one while Sulley is portrayed as the slacker. There are moments throughout the film that show the benefits and hardships of being who they are, but their opposing views and ideals were what made them such a great duo in the original film and continue to do so in this film.


Although some themes were generic and simple, it was expected given the intended audience. Overall I enjoyed this film due to its visuals, simple but entertaining plot, and intermittent moments of laughter. It’s not my favorite Pixar film, but its definitely a memorable and enjoyable one. If you have kids, definitely take them to see this. If you don’t have kids, go see it. Either way you will find some kind of appeal when watching this film.


Monsters University – 7 out of 10

A film that all ages can enjoy with characters we love

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