Daniel Radcliffe Speculates the Death Of Potter

Harry-Potter-DiesA lot of people are speculating that Harry Potter will die at the end of the seventh book in the series. I hope he does… not because I’m not a huge Harry Potter fan… but because that would be a great ending to the franchise and a very gutsy move on the part of Rowling.

Even Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe is throwing his two cents worth behind the idea of a dead Potter. The good folks over at Digital Spy give us this:

He (Radcliffe) told the Daily Record: “It may be the only way the evil Voldemort could be killed is if Harry dies, because there is a strong connection between them.”

I agree with him. But for that to REALLY work, they have to make Voldemort a lot more menacing than he has been. In the movies he just feels like another typical bad guy, instead of this ominous dread that he’s supposed to be. If they can better portray him… then an ultimate sacrifice ending to destroy him would be amazing. Just a thought.

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